Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Mercury in the St. Louis River, Mississippi River, Crane Lake, and Sand Point Lake: Cycling, Distribution, and Sources. Report to the Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources.
Author Glass, G. E. ; Sorensen, J. A. ; Rapp, G. R. ; Schmidt, K. W. ; Huber, J. K. ;
CORP Author Environmental Research Lab.-Duluth, MN. ;Minnesota Univ.-Duluth. Coll. of Science and Engineering.;Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, St. Paul.
Publisher Apr 92
Year Published 1992
Report Number EPA/600/A-92/133;
Stock Number PB92-195957
Additional Subjects Mercury(Metals) ; Water pollution effects ; Surface waters ; Environmental surveys ; Distribution(Property) ; Minnesota ; Pollution sources ; Fishes ; Saint Louis River ; Mississippi River ; Crane Lake ; Ecosystems ; State programs ; Deposition ; Water resources ; Sand Point Lake ; Bioaccumulation ; Trace amounts ; Sediments ; Plants(Botany) ; Remedial action ; Air water interactions ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB92-195957 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 150p
Recent surveys of mercury contamination in fish have led to an increasing awareness of the problem and have prompted widespread fish consumption advisories in 26 states (including Minnesota) and in several other countries (e.g., Canada and Sweden). Consequently, these findings have spawned a number of research questions; efforts in these states and countries have endeavored to investigate and determine sources and causes of mercury contamination and the mechanisms associated with mercury bioaccumulation in fish. The report contains Mercury Cycling in Lakes: Development of Analytical Capabilities for Ultra-Trace Mercury Measurements; Mercury Sources and Distribution in Minnesota's Aquatic Resources: Surface Water, Sediments, Plants, Plankton, Fish, Remediation, and Methods; and Mercury Sources and Distribution in Minnesota's Aquatic Resources: Deposition.