Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Metabolism of Benz(j)aceanthrylene (Cholanthrylene) and Benz(l)aceanthrylene by Induced Rat Liver S9 (Journal Version).
Author Nesnow, S. ; Easterling, R. E. ; Ellis, S. ; Watts, R. ; Ross, J. ;
CORP Author Health Effects Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC. Genetic Toxicology Div.
Publisher 1988
Year Published 1988
Report Number EPA/600/J-88/069;
Stock Number PB89-109797
Additional Subjects Metabolism ; Liver ; Laboratory animals ; Enzyme induction ; Aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbons ; Benzanthracenes ; Reprints ; Toxic substances ; Benzaceanthrylenes ; Cytochrome P-450 ; Aceanthrylene/benz
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB89-109797 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 11p
The metabolites of benz(j)aceanthrylene (B(j)A) and benz(l)aceanthrylene (B(l)A) produced by incubation with liver S9 proteins from rats induced with Aroclor-1254 and phenobarbital have been studied. Aroclor-1254 and phenobarbital induced rat liver S9 each metabolized B(j)A to trans-B(j)A-1,2-dihydrodiol, B(j)A-9,10-dihydrodiol, B(j)A-11,12-dihydrodiol, and 10-hydroxy-B(j)A. The major metabolite formed (58-60%) by both induced S9 preparations was trans-B(j)A-1,2-dihydrodiol, the cyclopentra-ring dihydrodiol while oxidation at the k-region or the proximal-bay region was minor. There were no statistical differences in individual or total B(j)A metabolite rates between the two induced S9 preparations. Both induced S9s produced similar rates of B(l)A metabolites except for B(l)A-7,8-dihydrodiol formation which was higher for Aroclor-1254 induced S9.