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Main Title Application of modified aluminon and GFASS methods to beryllium determination in drinking water /
Author Lytle, Darren A. ; George, G. K. ; Doerger., J. U.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Lytle, Darren A.
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH. Drinking Water Research Div. ;Technology Applications, Inc., Cincinnati, OH.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory,
Year Published 1992
Report Number EPA/600/A-92/100
Stock Number PB92-180199
Additional Subjects Water pollution detection ; Beryllium ; Water analysis ; Potable water ; Water pollution standards ; Standards compliance ; Chemical analysis ; Colorimetric analysis ; Trace amounts ; Absorption spectroscopy ; Concentration(Composition) ; Water treatment ; Reprints ; Maximum Contaminant Level Goals ; Atomic absorption spectroscopy
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB92-180199 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 10 pages ; 28 cm
On July 25, 1990, the USEPA proposed to establish a drinking water standard for beryllium of 1.0 micrograms/L. The proposed standard will require water utilities to demonstrate compliance through a set of monitoring requirements. The EPA has recommended three analytical techniques that can be used to detect beryllium in drinking water below the proposed maximum contaminant level (MCL). These techniques are: Atomic Absorption, Inductively-Coupled Plasma (ICP), and ICP Mass Spectrometry. High costs of ICP Instrumentation will make atomic absorption the choice for most water utility laboratories and many private laboratories measuring trace levels of beryllium in drinking water. The current beryllium atomic absorption methods are based on the method of standard additions. Other cheaper methods for measuring beryllium are available, however, require a preconcentration procedure in order to measure beryllium at levels below the proposed MCL. The paper develops a beryllium atomic absorption method that uses a matrix modifier to eliminate chemical interferences. It also develops a beryllium preconcentration procedure which allows beryllium levels below the proposed MCL to be measured by using a colorimetric method (aluminon method).
"EPA/600/A-92/100." "Published: Proceedings of the Water Quality Technology Conference, Part I, Orlando, Florida, November 10-14, 1991, p:683-697." Includes bibliographical references. Microfiche.