Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Approximate and Analytical Solutions for Solute Transport from an Injection Well into a Single Fracture.
Author Chen, C. S. ; Yates., S. R. ;
CORP Author New Mexico Inst. of Mining and Technology, Socorro. Dept. of Geoscience. ;Agricultural Research Service, Riverside, CA. Salinity Lab. ;California Univ., Riverside. Dept. of Soil and Environmental Sciences.;Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Lab., Ada, OK.
Publisher c1989
Year Published 1989
Report Number EPA-R-813529; EPA/600/J-89/189;
Stock Number PB90-140690
Additional Subjects Solutes ; Injection wells ; Mathematical models ; Transport properties ; Computer systems programs ; Hydrogeology ; Fracture zones ; Rock properties ; Groundwater ; Mass transfer ; Ionic mobility ; Diffusion ; Graphs(Charts) ; Radionuclide migration ; Radioactive waste management
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB90-140690 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 12p
In dealing with problems related to land-based nuclear waste management, a number of analytical and approximate solutions were developed to quantify radionuclide transport through fractures contained in the porous formation. It has been reported that by treating the radioactive decay constant as the appropriate first-order rate constant, these solutions can also be used to study injection problems of a similar nature subject to first-order chemical or biological reactions. The fracture is idealized by a pair of parallel, smooth plates separated by an aperture of constant thickness. Groundwater was assumed to be immobile in the underlying and overlying porous formations due to their low permeabilities. However, the injected radionuclides were able to move from the fracture into the porous matrix by molecular diffusion (the matrix diffusion) due to possible concentration gradients across the interface between the fracture and the porous matrix. Calculation of the transient solutions is not straightforward, and the paper documents a contained Fortran program, which computes the Stehfest inversion, the Airy functions, and gives the concentration distributions in the fracture as well as in the porous matrix for both transient and steady-state cases.