Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Location of Solution Channels and Sinkholes at Dam Sites and Backwater Areas by Seismic Methods: Part II - Correlation of Seismic Data with Engineering Properties.
Author Drnevic, Vincent P. ; Ragh, D. ;
CORP Author Kentucky Water Resources Inst., Lexington.
Year Published 1972
Report Number RR-55; DI-14-31-0001-3217; OWRR-A-026-KY; 08467,; A-026-KY(4)
Stock Number PB-220 064
Additional Subjects ( Geophysical prospecting ; Rocks) ; ( Dams ; Subsurface investigations) ; Engineering geology ; Rayleigh waves ; Poisson ratio ; Soil mechanics ; Shear strength ; Design ; Foundations ; Drilling ; Field tests ; Structural analysis ; Elastic properties ; Compressibility ; Sinkholes
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-220 064 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 37p
The methods of seismic refraction surveying may be adapted to the accurate determination of depth and undulation of a rock surface where the depth to rock is less than 50 feet. Four seismic field methods and a laboratory method were used to determine shear wave propagation velocities and shear moduli for two sites. The four seismic methods are standard seismic refraction survey, downhole shooting refraction survey, transient Rayleigh wave survey, and crosshole shooting survey. A torsional resonant column apparatus was used for the laboratory tests. (Author Modified Abstract)