Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Basic concepts of environmental chemistry /
Author Connell, D. W.
Publisher CRC/Taylor & Francis,
Year Published 2005
OCLC Number 57476011
ISBN 1566706769; 9781566706766
Subjects Environmental chemistry ; Milieutoxicologie ; Biochemie ; Organische chemie ; Chimie de l'environnement ; Compose chimique ; Ecotoxicologie ; Impact environnemental ; Polluant ; Risque environnemental
Internet Access
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Publisher description
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJAM  TD193.C67 2005 Region 3 Library/Philadelphia, PA 05/05/2006
ELBM  TD193.B37 2005 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 01/01/1988
ESAM  TD193.C67 2005 Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA 03/28/2018
Edition 2nd ed.
Collation 462 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
Revised edition of: Basic concepts of environmental chemistry / Des W. Connell [and others]. 1997. Includes index. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
"Basic Concepts of Environmental Chemistry, Second Edition provides a theoretical basis for the behavior and biological effects of natural chemical entities and contaminants in natural systems, concluding with a practical focus on risk assessment and the environmental management of chemicals." "The second edition updates the contents and incorporates the latest advances in the field since the 1997 edition was published. It presents an entirely new chapter on metals, as well as new sections on radionuclides and acid drainage water. The chapter on atmospheric chemistry and pollution has been substantially expanded to include photochemical smog, the Greenhouse Effect, and other pollution processes. The author also adds recent approaches to risk assessment including the probabilistic approach. Basic Concepts of Environmental Chemistry, Second Edition is a practical textbook for teaching students the basic concepts of chemistry in the framework of the environment and a practical reference for anyone involved in the management and disposal of industrial chemicals and emissions."--Jacket. 1: Principles of environmental chemistry -- The role and importance of environmental chemistry -- 2: Basic properties of chemicals in the environment -- Bonds and molecules: their influence on physical-chemical properties in the environment -- Environmental transformation and degradation processes -- Environmental toxicology -- 3: Contaminants in the environment -- Petroleum hydrocarbons -- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBS) and dioxins -- Synthetic polymers: plastics, elastomers, and synthetic fibers -- Pesticides -- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) -- Soaps and detergents -- Metals in the environment -- 4: Processes in the natural environment -- Atmospheric chemistry and pollution -- Chemistry of natural waters and water pollution -- Soil contamination -- Distribution of chemicals in the environment -- Genotoxicity: the action of environmental chemicals on genetic material -- 5: Management of hazardous chemicals -- Monitoring of chemicals in the environment -- Human health and ecological risk assessment due to exposure to chemicals.