Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Handbook of chemical and biological warfare agents /
Author Ellison, D. Hank.
Publisher CRC Press,
Year Published 2008
OCLC Number 82473582
ISBN 9780849314346; 0849314348
Subjects Chemical warfare--Handbooks, manuals, etc ; Chemical agents (Munitions)--Handbooks, manuals, etc ; Biological warfare--Handbooks, manuals, etc ; Biological Warfare Agents ; Chemische Waffe ; Chemikalie ; Biologische Waffe ; Pathogener Mikroorganismus ; Kemiska vapen--handbeocker, manualer, etc ; Biologiska vapen--handbeocker, manualer, etc ; Biological Warfare Agents--Handbooks ; Chemical Warfare Agents--Handbooks
Internet Access
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Publisher description
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJAR  UG447.E44 2008 Region 3 Library/Philadelphia, PA 03/02/2009
EKBM  UG447.E44 2008 Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC 10/31/2022
ELBM  UG447.E44 2008 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 08/29/2008
ELBR REF UG447.E44 2008 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 09/27/2023
Edition 2nd ed.
Collation xxxv, 762 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 731-733) and index.
Contents Notes
Nerve Agents. -- Vesicant/Urticants Agents. -- Toxic Agents. -- Incapacitation & Riot Control Agents. -- Toxins. -- Pathogens. -- Precursors & Simulants. -- Delivery. "Extensively revised, reorganized, and updated, this second edition of the bestselling Handbook of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents goes well beyond the "dirty thirty" commonly discussed agents and provides rapid access to a wide range of agents that can be used as weapons. This edition incorporates additional classes of agents, expands existing classes, and increases the number of agents described. Expanding the scope of the original, this edition is rich with scientific data and provides more information on the chemical, physical, and biological properties of these agents and their health effects."--Jacket.