Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Data Report on Ecosystem Monitoring for the Ashtabula River Environmental Dredging Project.
Author R. C. Brenner ; T. M. Lyons ; M. A. Mills ; J. P. Schubauer-Berigan ; J. M. Lazorchak
CORP Author Battelle, Columbus, OH.; National Risk Management Research Lab., Cincinnati, OH. Office of Research and Development.
Year Published 2011
Report Number EPA/600/R-11/102; EP-C-05-057
Stock Number PB2012-102165
Additional Subjects Water pollution ; Contamination ; Dredged materials ; Dredging ; Environmental impact ; Baseline measurement ; Sediment ; Remediation technology ; PCBs ; Ecosystems ; Biological indicator ; Chemical contaminants ; Water quality ; Bathymetry ; Monitoring ; Sites
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2012-102165 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 240p
This report constitutes a non-interpretive field data report that compiles the results to date (2006 through 2010) for the immediate and longer-term effects of dredging operations on ecosystem health and restoration using the abovementioned biological and surrogate sampler deployments and analysis, brown bullhead capture and analysis, and water column sampling and subsurface resuspension tracking. Another ORD evaluation is being conducted in the summer of 2011 to continue the long-term investigation of sediment deposition following dredging and the documentation of post-dredging ecosystem recovery. This investigation was coordinated with GLNPO as it carried out a final post-dredging characterization of surface sediment in 2011 to measure remedy effectiveness. The results from these 2011 investigations will be presented in a final comprehensive interpretative report to be published in 2012.