Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Guidance for quantifying and using emission reductions from Best Workplaces for Commuter programs in state implementation plans and transportation conformity determinations.
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Publisher Transportation and Regional Programs Division, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Year Published 2005
Report Number EPA420-B-05-016
Stock Number PB2006-101087
OCLC Number 70253350
Subjects Automobiles--Motors--Exhaust gas--United States ; Commuting--Environmental aspects--United States
Additional Subjects Emission reductions ; Air pollution control ; Commuter transportation ; Commuting patterns ; Vehicle usage ; Travel modes ; Work travel patterns ; Employees ; Transportation planning ; Carpooling ; Benefits ; Travel demand ; State planning ; Greenhouse gases ; Trip sharing ; Communities ; Conformity ; Implementation ; Best Workplaces for Commuters(BWC)
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELCD  EPA420-B-05-016 NVFEL Library/Ann Arbor, MI 07/07/2006
NTIS  PB2006-101087 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation i, 45 pages : digital, PDF file
Best Workplaces for Commuters (BWC) is a fast-growing partnership program between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), and private- and public-sector employers throughout the country. Through BWC, the numbers of vehicle trips and miles, and hence, emissions of criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases are reduced in many communities. This has led to an interest on the part of planners in some areas to incorporate these benefits into their state implementation plans (SIPs) or transportation conformity determinations. Therefore, EPA has prepared this guidance to help states or agencies estimate the emission benefits of control measures implemented through BWC and other commuter benefit programs and, under appropriate circumstances, take credit for them in SIPs and conformity determinations.
Title from title screen (viewed on July 6, 2006). "October 2005." "EPA420-B-05-016." Includes bibliographical references.