Main Title |
Source assessment : carbon black manufacture / |
Author |
Serth, R. W., ;
Hughes., T. W.
Other Authors |
CORP Author |
United States. Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory (Research Triangle Park, N.C.) |
Publisher |
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Office of Energy, Minerals, and Industry, Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory ; For sale by the National Technical Information Service, |
Year Published |
1977 |
Report Number |
EPA-600/2-77-107k; MRC-DA-720; EPA-68-02-1874; EPA-ROAP-21AXM-071 |
Stock Number |
PB-273 068 |
OCLC Number |
03991683 |
pbk. |
Subjects |
Air--Pollution ;
Acrylic acid ;
Additional Subjects |
Air pollution control ;
Assessments ;
Carbon black ;
Manufacturing ;
Furnaces ;
Sulfur oxides ;
Nitrogen oxides ;
Particles ;
Industrial hygiene ;
Concentration(Composition) ;
Hydrogen sulfide ;
Physical properties ;
Chemical properties ;
Process charting ;
Design criteria ;
Hydrocarbons ;
Technology ;
Marketing ;
Forecasting ;
Numerical analysis ;
Fugitive emissions ;
Indoor air pollution
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
EPA 600/2-77-107K |
OCSPP Chemical Library/Washington,DC |
01/01/1988 |
EPA-600/2-77-107k |
Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC |
07/21/1995 |
EPA 600/2-77-107k |
Region 9 Library/San Francisco,CA |
09/17/2012 |
EPA 600-2-77-107K |
Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA |
03/23/2010 |
PB-273 068 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
xvii, 229 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm. |
Abstract |
The report summarizes the assessment of air emissions from the manufacture of carbon black, currently manufactured in the U.S. by two major processes: thermal and oil furnace. Sources of atmospheric emissions within oil furnace plants (about 90% of the 30 U.S. carbon black plants) include the main process vent, dryer vent, pneumatic system vent, oil feedstock storage tanks, vacuum cleanup system vent, and fugitive sources. To assess the severity of emissions from this industry, a representative plant was defined as using the oil furnace process and with a mean production rate of 50,000 metric tons/yr. For a representative plant, calculated source severities were: 0.02 for particulates emitted from the main process vent; 0.046 and 0.58 for SOx and NOx, respectively, from the dryer vent; 21 for HC emitted from the main process vent; and 27 for carbon black fugitive emissions. The average number of persons exposed to high contaminant levels from carbon black manufacture was estimated and designated as the 'affected population.' The calculation was made for each species emitted and for each emission point within a representative plant for which the source severity exceeds 0.1. The largest value obtained was 11,000 persons, due to H2S emissions from the main process vent. Assuming the same control levels in 1974 and 1980, emissions from the industry will increase by 14% by 1980. |
Notes |
"October 1977." Prepared under contract no. 68-02-1874, ROAP no. 21AXM-071, program element no. 1ABO15. Includes bibliographical references. |
Contents Notes |
[v. 1]. Acrylic acid manufacture - state of the art.--[v. 2]. Carbon black manufacture. |