Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Evaluation of Relative Environmental Hazards from a Coal Gasifier.
Author Gangwal, S. K . ; Cleland, J. G. ; Truesdale, R. S. ;
CORP Author Research Triangle Inst., Research Triangle Park, NC.;Industrial Environmental Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC.
Year Published 1981
Report Number RTI/1934/00-02F; EPA-R-804979; EPA-600/7-81-100;
Stock Number PB81-217648
Additional Subjects Coal gasification ; Environmental surveys ; Industrial wastes ; Combustion products ; Bioassay ; Toxicity ; Chemical analysis ; Sampling ; Performance evaluation ; Carbon monoxide ; Benzene ; Hydrogen sulfide ; Phenol ; Cresols ; Xylenols ; Chemical reactors ; Selenium ; Barium ; Nickel ; Ammonium ; Sulfides ; Thiocyanates ; Cyanides ; Arsenic ; Chlorides ; Carbonyl sulfide ; Environmental hazards ; Toxic substances ; NTISEPAORD
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB81-217648 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 108p
The report gives results of an evaluation of relative environmental hazards from a laboratory-scale coal gasifier. Detailed chemical analyses of four effluent streams (gas, aqueous condensate, tar, and ash) were performed for more than 30 gasification runs on a variety of coals, from lignite to bituminous. It briefly describes the gasification reactor, the associated sampling and analysis system, problems encountered with analyses, and special techniques for analyzing complex samples. Relative environmental hazards were determined using the Multimedia Environmental Goals methodology. Toxicity and mutagenicity were assessed using bioassay data. More than 400 effluent stream constituents were identified. Environmentally, the most significant effluent stream is aqueous condensate, followed by tar, product gas, and ash. However, on an equivalent weight basis, the tar stream is more toxic and mutagenic than aqueous condensate. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organic bases are the most mutagenic fractions of the tar. Coal pyrolysis and gasification at higher temperatures leads to reduced tar mutagenicity. The most environmental significant constituents (by stream) are: (1) product gas--CO, benzene, H2S, and carbonyl sulfide; (2) aqueous condensate--phenol/cresols/xylenols (PCX), NH3, sulfides, thiocyanates, CN, As, and chlorides; and (3) ash--As, Ni, Be, and Se.