Abstract |
A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is a regulatory term in the U.S. Clean Water Act, describing a value of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a body of water can receive while still meeting water quality standards. Alternatively, TMDL is an allocation of that water pollutant deemed acceptable to the subject receiving waters. TMDLs have been used extensively by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state environmental agencies in implementing the Clean Water Act by establishing maximum pollution limits for industrial wastewater dischargers. Barberry Creek is located in South Portland (southern Maine, 43DG37N, 70DG17W, HUC ME0106000105), and is of moderate length (approximately 1.3 miles) and watershed size (786 acres). The stream originates in a wetland transected by a multi-track railway line (Springfield Terminal Railroad) and the Maine Central Railroad Rigby Yard. Below the wetland, the stream flows through a heavily industrialized area into a wooded area with a capped landfill, and then into a residential area and another wetland before flowing through a dammed up pond into the estuarine Fore River. A small tributary that originates near the landfill joins Barberry Creek below the industrialized area. Appendix E contains a set of photos of the stream. |