Main Title |
Test Procedures for the Determination of the Gross Calorific Value of Refuse and Refuse-Derived-Fuels by Oxygen Bomb Calorimetry: Summary of the 1977 Fiscal Year Results. |
Author |
Kirklin, D. R. ;
Mitchell, D. J. ;
Cohen, J. ;
Domalski, E. S. ;
Abramowitz, S. ;
CORP Author |
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC.;Department of Energy, Washington, DC. Urban Waste Technology Branch.;Municipal Environmental Research Lab., Cincinnati, OH. Solid and Hazardous Waste Research Div. |
Year Published |
1978 |
Report Number |
NBSIR-78-1494; NBS-5433405 ;NBS-5433406; |
Stock Number |
PB-290 160 |
Additional Subjects |
Calorific value ;
Solid waste disposal ;
Tests ;
Fuels ;
Calorimeters ;
Laboratory equipment ;
Sampling ;
Refuse derived fuels ;
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
PB-290 160 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
36p |
Abstract |
Gross calorific values have been determined for refuse-derived-fuels (RDF) from two manufacturers, Teledyne National and Combustion Equipment Associates. Test procedures used are modifications of those used for coal and coke. The calorific values (moisture- and ash-free basis) obtained for Teledyne National RDF ranged from 24.51 to 25.20 MJ kg (10539 to 10835 Btu lb) with a standard deviation of 0.8 percent. The calorific values (moisture- and ash-free basis) of Combustion Equipment Associates ECO-FUEL II RDF ranged from 21.93 to 22.16 MJ kg (9427 to 9528 Btu lb) with a standard deviation of 0.4 percent. Results of 23 laboratory samples are presented at various stages of sample preparation which were derived from single field samples from each of the two sources. Calorimetric results based on an equilibrated laboratory sample are presented along with some semi-quantitative spectrochemical results. The results indicate that the techniques of oxygen bomb calorimetry can be successfully applied to a non-homogeneous refuse stream after considerable processing to prepare a 'homogeneous' refuse-derived-fuel (RDF). |