Abstract |
Based on the results obtained to date from the acute studies, the subchronic studies, data in the published literature and the toxicology of related chemicals, DuPont has established an Acceptable Exposure Limit (AEL) of 10 ppm, 8- and 12-hr time weighted average for Fluor benzene. No limit has yet been established for p-Fluorotoluene because it is not yet a candidate for commercialization. Commercialization of Fluorobenzene is progressing with start-up of the commercial plant expected by the end of the first quarter of 1991. With respect to actions taken to limit exposure potential, we have ensured that and AEL established for Fluorobenzene is met in our operations. These operations have been limited, since the reported findings, to laboratory scale research. Exposure potential is not expected to be significant until the commercial pant comes on stream and steps have been taken in its design to ensure that the AEL will not be exceeded. Since plans for the commercialization of p-Fluorotoluene are presently indeterminate, no technical activities that could result in exposure have been conducted. As indicated above, an AEL will be established once the decision to commercialization is made. |