Contents Notes |
Not Just Another Issue -- Snapshots of the Warming No. 1 -- The Sum of All Clues -- Snapshots of the Warming No. 2 -- Criminals Against Humanity -- Snapshots of the Warming No. 3 -- Bad Press -- Snapshots of the Warming No. 4 -- Three Fronts of the Climate War -- Snapshots of the Warming No. 5 -- Compromised Activists -- Snapshots of the Warming No. 6 -- Thinking Big: Three Beginnings Snapshots of the Warming No. 7 -- Rx for A Planetary Fever. Argues that, unchecked, climate change will swamp every other issue facing us today. Indeed, what began as an initial response of many institutions-denial and delay-has now grown into a crime against humanity. Gelbspan's previous book, The Heat Is On, exposed the financing of climate-change skeptics by the oil and coal companies. In Boiling Point, he reveals exactly how the fossil fuel industry is directing the Bush administration's energy and climate policies as payback for helping Bush get elected. Even more surprisingly, Gelbspan points a finger at both the media and environmental activists for unwittingly worsening the crisis. Finally, he offers a concrete plan for averting a full-blown climate catastrophe. |