Contents Notes |
Plant lipids and their interactions / Glenn Fuller and W. David Nes -- Biosynthesis of chloroplast glycerolipids / J.B. Mudd, D.G. Bishop, J. Sanchez, K.F. Kleppinger-Sparace, S.A. Sparace, J. Andrews, and S. Thomas -- Gibberellins in higher plants : the biosynthetic pathway leading to GA1 / C.R. Spray and B.O. Phinney -- Fatty acids in plants : a model system / Glenn Fuller and P.K. Stumpf -- Chemical and biological aspects of brassinolide / Werner J. Meudt -- Biochemistry of conifer resistance to bark beetles and their fungal symbionts / Mark A. Johnson and Rodney Croteau -- Sesquiterpenes as phytoalexins and allelopathic agents / Stella D. Elakovich -- Plant growth regulation by mevinolin and other sterol biosynthesis inhibitors / Thomas J. Bach and Hartmut K. Lichtenthaler -- Synthesis and fungistatic activity of podocarpic acid derivatives / Edward J. Parish, Susan Bradford, Victoria J. Geisler, Patrick K. Hanners, Rick C. Heupel, Phu H. Le, and W. David Nes -- The role of cutin, the plant cuticular hydroxy fatty acid polymer, in the fungal interaction with plants / P.E. Kolattukudy, Mark S. Crawford, Charles P. Woloshuk, William F. Ettinger, and Charles L. Soliday -- Variability in steroid metabolism among phytophagous insects / James A. Svoboda and Malcolm J. Thompson -- Free and conjugated ecdysteroids in the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta, at various developmental stages / Malcolm J. Thompson, Ruben Lozano, James A. Svoboda, Mark F. Feldlaufer, and Gunter F. Weirich -- Metabolism and function of sterols in nematodes / David J. Chitwood, Ruben Lozano, William R. Lusby, Malcolm J. Thompson, and James A. Svoboda -- Fatty acids and esters as antimicrobial/insecticidal agents / Jon J. Kabara --Hopanoids : sterol equivalents in bacteria / Karl Poralla and Elmar Kannenberg -- Structure-function relationships for sterols in Saccharomyces cerevisiae / William R. Nes -- Mechanism of fungal growth suppression by inhibitors of ergosterol biosynthesis / John D. Weete -- Antifungal activity of plant steroids / James G. Roddick -- Biosynthesis and requirement for sterols in the growth and reproduction of oomycetes / W. David Nes -- Fatty acids and fungal development : structure-activity relationships / James L. Kerwin -- The involvement of membrane-degrading enzymes during infection of potato leaves by Phytophthora infestans / Robert A. Moreau -- Use of cerulenin and butyrate in the study of Candida albicans germination / Ronald L. Cihlar and Kathryn A. Hoberg. |