Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title An ecological and evolutionary ethic
Author Kozlovsky, Daniel G.,
Publisher Prentice-Hall
Year Published 1974
Report Number 73017206
OCLC Number 00724311
ISBN 0132229439; 9780132229432; 0132229358; 9780132229357
Subjects Ecology ; Evolution (Biology) ; Biology--Philosophy ; Biological Evolution ; Environment ; Ethik ; eOkologie
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJEM  QH541.145.K68 1974 OCSPP Chemical Library/Washington,DC 12/21/2015
Collation xi, 116 pages 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 112-113).
Contents Notes
Evolution : Origins ; Evolution ; Why versus, how ; Purpose ; Mind ; Soul ; To whatever abyss ; An evolutionary ethic -- Ecology : Noda ; Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere noosphere ; Entities ; Complexity ; Condensed milk ; Goose music -- Animism : Empathy ; Noises, etc. ; Animal time ; Body atoms ; The molecular respect ; Owls ; Frost ; Earth contact ; Biologists ; Warfarin ; Cocks ; The animal trip ; Scientific animism -- Humanism : Context ; Meaning ; Cultural Lamarkcism ; The meaning of adaptation ; Sex ; Babies ; Woman, don't tamper too much ; Humaning ; Boundaries ; Freedom ; It's not so far ; Everybody has got to take on the job at the top -- Naturalism : What are you living for? ; What kind of environment do I need to be me? ; Look where I've got to now! ; It has to be done ; Don't ; Alternative realities ; The moment and forever ; There is nothing else to do! ; Ornithology ; Diversity ; Savoring ; Trips ; Dope ; Go! ; Chock full of stuff to get you off ; I could have stayed home where there isn't any water ; What can you afford? ; I need more ; Do you lock the door? ; The pleasures of poverty ; Parameters of an acceptable human ecology ; The fundamental role ; Death and recycling ; A naturalistic ethic.