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Main Title Biodiversity prospecting : using genetic resources for sustainable development /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Reid, Walter V.
Publisher World Resources Institute (WRI), USA ; Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), Costa Rica ; Rainforest Alliance, USA ; African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), Kenya,
Year Published 1993
OCLC Number 28249367
ISBN 0915825899; 9780915825899
Subjects Biodiversity conservation ; Sustainable development ; Germplasm resources ; Diversite biologique ; Developpement durable ; Biological diversity conservation
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EHAM  QH75 B57 Region 1 Library/Boston,MA 06/26/1993
Collation ix, 341 pages ; 23 cm
"A Contribution to the WRI/IUCN/UNEP Global biodiversity strategy." "A World Resources Institute book"--Cover. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
I.A new lease on life / Walter V. Reid [and others] -- II. Costa Rica's conservation program and national biodiversity institute (INBio) / Rodrigo Gamez .. [et al.] -- III. Biodiversity prospecting by INBio / Ana Sittenfeld and Rodrigo Gamez -- IV. Contracts for biodiversity prospecting / Sarah A. Laird -- V. Research management policies : permits for collecting and research in the tropics / Daniel H. Janzen [and others] -- VI. An intellectual property rights framework for biodiversity prospecting / Michael A. Gollin -- VII. Policy options for scientific and technological capacity-building / Calestous Juma with the assistance of Bernard Sihanya -- Annex 1. The role of the parataxonomists, inventory managers, and taxonomists in Costa Rica's national biodiversity inventory / Daniel H. Janzen [and others] -- Annex 2. Biodiversity prospecting contract / David Downes [and others] -- Annex 3. The Convention on Biological Diversity and intellectual property rights / Michael A. Gollin -- Annex 4. The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.