Main Title |
Chemical selection methods : an annotated bibliography / |
Author |
Meyer, Daniel E. ;
Halpin, Verna L.
Other Authors |
CORP Author |
Tracor JITCO, Inc., Rockville, MD.;Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances. |
Publisher |
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, |
Year Published |
1983 |
Report Number |
EPA 560/TIIS-83-003; EPA-68-01-6651 |
Stock Number |
PB83-213843 |
OCLC Number |
17858160 |
Subjects |
Chemicals--Law and legislation--United States ;
Toxicology--United States ;
Chemicals--United States--Bibliography
Additional Subjects |
Chemical compounds ;
Bibliographies ;
Pesticides ;
Water pollution ;
Air pollution ;
Radioactive contaminants ;
Abstracts ;
Toxic substances ;
Toxic Integration Information Series ;
Listings ;
Solid wastes
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
EPA 560-TIIS-83-003 |
Headquarters Library/Washington,DC |
05/01/2015 |
EPA 560-TIIS-83-003 |
Received from HQ |
AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH |
10/04/2023 |
EPA 560-TIIS-83-003 |
repository copy |
AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH |
10/17/2014 |
EPA 560-TIIS-83-003 |
Region 10 Library/Seattle,WA |
03/23/2010 |
PB83-213843 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Edition |
2nd ed. |
Collation |
vi, 53 p. |
Abstract |
Persons interested in the control of toxic chemicals have examined and are examining methods to select chemicals of concern from the universe of chemical substances. Chemical selection refers to such activities as priority-setting, ranking, indexing, and sorting. These efforts have included the development of various systematic selection methods, such as scoring systems. This annotated bibliography is intended to provide brief summaries of a variety of chemical selection methods. |
Notes |
"Office of Pesticides and Toxics Substances." "Project officer: Douglas Sellers." "March, 1983." "EPA 560/TIIS-83-003." |