Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Cannery waste treatment by anaerobic lagoons and oxidation ditch /
Author Parker, C. D.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Skerry, G. P.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Environmental Research Center, Office of Research and Monitoring,
Year Published 1973
Report Number EPA-R2-73-017
OCLC Number 01038332
Subjects Anaerobic bacteria--Australia ; Factory and trade waste--Australia ; Government publications
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ELBD RPS EPA R2-73-017 repository copy AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 05/23/2016
Collation vii, 110 pages : illustrations, figures, tables, photographs ; 28 cm
"Melbourne Water Science Institute Ltd. Carlton, Victoria, Australia." "EPA Project Officer was Kenneth A. Dostal of the National Environmental Research Center, Corvallis, Oregon." Includes bibliographical references (page 57). February 1973. U. S. EPA Grant No. Contract Number: WPD 211-02-68, Project 12060 EHS.
Contents Notes
Various mixtures of fruit and vegetable cannery wastes, and domestic sewage were treated by anaerobic lagoons followed by an oxidation ditch for a two-year period. The anaerobic lagoons consistently achieved biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) reductions of 75 to 85 percent at loadings up to 400 lbs. BOD/day/ acre provided adequate inorganic nutrients were present. The oxidation ditch reduced the BOD to low levels and was shown to be very stable against overload. Power requirements were less than 0.5 kw. hr./lb. of BOD removed and the oxygenation capacity of the rotor was about 30 lbs. of BOD per foot of length.