Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Understanding robust and exploratory data analysis /
Author Hoaglin, D. C. ; Mosteller, Frederick ; Tukey, John Wilder
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Hoaglin, David C.
Mosteller, Frederick,
Tukey, John W.
Tukey, John Wilder
CORP Author John Wiley & Sons.
Publisher Wiley,
Year Published 1983
Report Number 82008528
OCLC Number 08495063
ISBN 0471097772; 9780471097778; 0471384917; 9780471384915
ISSN 0271-6356
Subjects Mathematical statistics ; Mathematics ; Robust statistics ; applied mathematics ; Explorative Datenanalyse ; Data-analyse ; Statistiek ; Anaalisi de dades ; Estadistica matemaatica ; Programmation lineaire ; Statistiques--Europe ; Analyse des donnes--Problemes et exercices ; Statistique mathematique
Additional Subjects Mathematical statistics
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Publisher description
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBM  QA276.U5 1983 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 01/01/1988
ESBM Newport QA276.U5 1983 CPHEA/PESD Library/Corvallis,OR 02/09/2023
Collation xvi, 447 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 427-429) and index.
Contents Notes
1. Stem-and-leaf displays / John D. Emerson and David C. Hoaglin -- 2. Letter values: a set of selected order statistics / David C. Hoaglin -- 3. Boxplots and batch comparison / John D. Emerson and Judith Strenio -- 4. Transforming data / John D. Emerson and Michael A. Stoto -- 5. Resistant lines for y versus x / John D. Emerson and David C. Hoaglin -- 6. Analysis of two-way tables by medians / John D. Emerson and David C. Hoaglin -- 7. Examining residuals / Colin Goodall -- 8. Mathematical aspects of transformation / John D. Emerson -- 9. Introduction to more refined estimators / David C. Hoaglin, Frederick Mosteller, and John W. Tukey -- 10. Comparing location estimators: trimmed means, medians, and trimean / James L. Rosenberger and Mariam Gasko -- 11. M-estimators of location: an outline of the theory / Colin Goodall -- 12. Robust scales estimators and confidence intervals for location / Boris Iglewicz.