Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Algae and element cycling in wetlands /
Author Vymazal, Jan.
Publisher Lewis Publishers,
Year Published 1995
OCLC Number 31289445
ISBN 0873718992; 9780873718998
Subjects Algae--Ecophysiology ; Wetland plants ; Wetlands ; Biogeochemical cycles ; Algae (group) ; Wieren ; Algues--Ecophysiologie ; Plantes des marais ; Ecologie des marais ; Cycles biogeochimiques ; Cycles biogeochimiques
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Publisher description
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EIAM  QK565.V86 1994 Region 2 Library/New York,NY 10/06/2006
EJAM WTD QK565.V86 1995 Wetlands Collection Region 3 Library/Philadelphia, PA 01/11/2011
EKCM  QK565.V86 1995 CEMM/GEMMD Library/Gulf Breeze,FL 04/26/2023
EOAM  QK565.V86 1994 Region 8 Technical Library/Denver,CO 02/03/1995
Collation xiv, 689 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm
Includes bibliographical references (pages 477-666) and indexes.
Contents Notes
Ch. 1. Introduction. 1.1. Algae. 1.2. Wetlands -- Ch. 2. Algae. 2.1. Definition and Classification. 2.2. Algal Morphology. 2.3. Biological Forms. 2.4. Structure of Algal Cells. 2.5. Reproduction. 2.6. Life Histories. 2.7. Ecology. 2.8. Evolution and Phylogeny of Algae. 2.9. Nutrients. 2.10. Nutritional Types. 2.11. Toxicity. 2.12. Photosynthesis and Respiration. 2.13. Primary Production. 2.14. Utilization of Algae. 2.15. Algae as Nuisance Factors. 2.16. Eutrophication. 2.17. Algal Viruses, Pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi. 2.18. Algal Classes -- Brief Review -- Ch. 3. Wetlands. 3.1. Classifications and Definitions of Wetlands. 3.2. Wetland Terminology. 3.3. Vegetation. 3.4. Wetland Soils. 3.5. Chemical Mass Balances of Wetlands. 3.6. Wetland Hydrology -- Ch. 4. Macronutrients. 4.1. Carbon. 4.2. Nitrogen. 4.3. Phosphorus. 4.4. Sulfur. 4.5. Potassium. 4.6. Magnesium -- Ch. 5. Micronutrients. 5.1. Calcium. 5.2. Iron. 5.3. Manganese. 5.4. Zinc. 5.5. Copper. 5.6. Molybdenum. 5.7. Sodium. This book provides a comprehensive survey of element requirements and cycling in algae, as well as in-depth information on element cycling in wetlands and the environment. Wetland classification, hydrology, soils, vegetation, and productivity are also presented. Additional topics covered include essentiality and toxicity of elements for plants; uptake, assimilation, and storage of micronutrients; uptake and accumulation of heavy metals; primary productivity, growth rates, and limitation in algae as well as eutrophication. Packed with figures, tables, and references, the book is valuable to students and researchers in wetlands science, phycology, and ecology as well as environmental managers and consultants.