Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Air toxics implementation workshop, 2003.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Year Published 2003
OCLC Number 779966933
Subjects Air--Pollution--United States ; Air--Pollution--Standards--United States
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EKBD CD-ROM EPA-Z/1086 Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC 10/24/2024
Collation 1 CD-ROM : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in.
Title from title screen.
Contents Notes
Contains all of the material from the speakers' presentations given during the Air Toxics Implementation Workshop. Each page of the presentations has an audio file synchronized with the content of that page. The audio was recorded during the speakers' presentations, and in most instances explains the material in greater detail. The presentations were divided into four sections: 1) Air toxics 101 training session and air jeopardy, 2) plenary session; 3) Track 1- MACT implementation 4) Track 2- risk characterization. History of air toxics and relearning your ABC's / Tamera Thompson -- Air Toxics Program, role and responsibilities / Yvonne W. Johnson -- Section 112(d) technology-based standards / Rhonda B. Thompson -- Case-by-case MACT determinations / Rhonda B. Thompson -- Overview of air toxics strategy / Yvonne W. Johnson -- Risk assessment primer / Roy L. Smith -- Air Jeopardy / Donna Rogers -- Mobile source air toxics / Rich Cook -- TTN-ATW overview / John E. White -- Compliance assistance resources / Len Lazarus -- Have you heard about E-gov? / Tom Link -- Education and outreach group / Donna Rogers -- Setting a National Tribal Air agenda / Bob Gruenig -- Update on the Air Toxics Program / Sally L. Shaver -- 10-year MACT status / Rick Colyer -- Pollution prevention alternatives / Steve Fruh -- Coating MACT, interface and overlap / Kim Teal and Lisa Trembly -- 10-year surface coating implementation efforts / Ingrid Ward -- Tools for EPA's air toxics rules / Larry Brockman -- Portland Cement MACT and haz. waste combustor MACT / Keith Barnett -- Portland Cement MACT 40 CFR 63 subpart LLL / Richard Wales -- Secondary aluminum MACT implementation / John Schaefer and Larry Brockman -- Secondary aluminum MACT outreach, Maine experience / David Wright -- New capabilities in emissions monitoring / John Bosch -- Overview of the air toxics strategy / Yvonne W. Johnson -- The area source program / Barbara Driscoll -- The mobile source program / Rich Cook -- Emissions inventories & 1999 NATA / Anne Pope -- The National Monitoring network / Sharon Nizich -- An overview of EPA's residual risk program / Roy Smith -- Status of developing residual risk rule making / Elaine Manning -- Guidance & training for the air toxics risk-based program / Ken Mitchell -- Perchloroethylene dry cleaning residual risk test / Amy Vasu -- Gasoline distribution MACT residual risk / Steve Shedd -- Shipbuilding and ship repair (surface coating) / Mohamed Serageldin -- Alternative compliance standards / Kenneth L. Mitchell.