Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Development of a Regional Air Pollution Model and its Application to the Northern Great Plains.
Author Liu, Mei-Kao ; Durran., Dale R. ;
CORP Author Systems Applications, Inc., San Rafael, CA.;Environmental Protection Agency, Denver, CO. Office of Energy Activities.
Year Published 1977
Report Number SAI/EF77-48; EPA-68-01-3591; EPA/908/1-77/001;
Stock Number PB-285 980
Additional Subjects Atmospheric diffusion ; Air pollution ; Mathematical models ; Atmospheric models ; Semibituminous coal ; Finite difference theory ; Difference equations ; Sensitivity ; Path of pollutants ; Northern Great Plains Region(United States) ; Regional air pollution study ; Low sulfur coal ; Point sources
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-285 980 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 297p
This report describes a regional scale air quality diffusion model and its application to existing and proposed energy resource development facilities in the Northern Great Plains region. The objective of the study was to examine the air quality impacts roughly 100 to 1000 kilometers from the emissions sources. The model which was developed consists of two interconnected submodels - a mixing layer model and a surface layer model. The mixing layer model handles the transport and diffusion of pollutants well above the surface. The surface layer model was designed to calculate pollutant fluxes to the ground. Pollutant removal processes incorporated in the model include dry deposition, chemical transformation, rainout and washout. Concentrations of sulfur dioxide and sulfates were estimated for two development levels--existing and 1985 for three meteorlogical scenarios--a strong wind winter case, a stagnation spring case, and a moderate wind case.