Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness and costs associated with feasible solution alternatives for the reduction of cumulative noise impact from airport and aircraft operations. Results of the analysis will be used in a separate study for assessing economic impact under a variety of financing schemes and at different levels of noise reduction in support of the proposed airport noise regulatory program initiated under the Noise Control Act of 1972. Solution sets considered encompass aeronautical alternatives, operational alternatives, and receiver alternatives. Specific costs, in terms of 1975 dollars, are given for the aeronautical and receiver alternatives. Except for the 6 degrees/3 degrees approach, the operational alternatives are treated as zero cost options for this study. Source noise and operational noise reduction methods were tested against individual civil air carrier airports and airport models derived from representative airport samples for current and future time periods. Future aircraft fleet projections considered new trends indicated by the current energy shortage; evaluation of people impacted in the future allowed for a fixed populaton growth around all airport environs. Effectivness of the various noise reduction methods was evaluated in terms of noise impact area, populaton, and land and housing value data determined for individual airports, three representative airport categories, and 514 air carrier airports. All noise impact results were calculated in terms of Ldn levels and Noise Units. These data, in conjunction with cost factors associated with the various noise reduction schemes, provide the parameters by which on economic impact assessment can be conducted. The noise impact of over 6600 general aviation airports in the U.S. was estimated in a similar but less comprehensive manner. |