Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Acidification and Recovery of a Spodosol Bs Horizon from Acidic Deposition.
Author Dahlgren, R. A. ; McAvoy, D. C. ; Driscoll, C. T. ;
CORP Author Syracuse Univ., NY. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering.;Corvallis Environmental Research Lab., OR.
Publisher c1990
Year Published 1990
Report Number EPA/600/J-90/539;
Stock Number PB91-240473
Additional Subjects Water pollution ; Acidification ; Soil chemistry ; Watersheds ; Deposition ; Water chemistry ; Acidic soils ; Bear Brook ; Maine ; Soil profiles ; Soil horizons ; Air water interactions ; Air pollution ; pH ; Acidic water ; Computerized simulation ; Thermodynamics ; Cations ; Acid neutralizing capacity ; Land pollution ; Reprints ; Spodosols ; Central Region(Maine)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB91-240473 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 9p
A laboratory study was conducted to examine acidification and recovery of a Spodosol Bs horizon from acidic deposition in the Bear Brook Watershed (BBW) in central Maine. A mechanical vacuum extractor was used to draw solutions through a soil column at three treatments containing 40, 100, or 160 micromol/L SO4(2-). Following 44 d of leaching, all treatments were decreased to the 40 micromol/L SO4(2-) level to examine recovery from acidification. Acidic additions were initially neutralized by release of basic cations and sulfate adsorption. Following attainment of steady state conditions for basic cations and SO4(2-) with respect to the soil adsorption complex, Al dissolution was the primary neutralization mechanism. Aqueous Al activities appeared to be regulated by equilibrium with an Al(OH)3 mineral phase. Following decreases in acid loadings, recovery was rapid resulting in retention of basic cations, reversible release of SO4(2-) and a marked reduction in the concentrations of soluble Al. (Copyright (c) 1990 American Chemical Society.)