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Main Title Airglow as an Indicator of Upper Atmospheric Structure and Dynamics [electronic resource] /
Author Khomich, Vladislav Yu.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Semenov, Anatoly I.
Shefov, Nicolay N.
Publisher Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
Year Published 2008
Call Number QC801-809
ISBN 9783540758334
Subjects Physical geography ; Astronomy ; Astrophysics
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Collation XVI, 740 p. online resource.
Due to license restrictions, this resource is available to EPA employees and authorized contractors only
Contents Notes
The Radiating Atmosphere and Space -- Processes Responsible for the Occurrence of the Airglow -- Techniques of Investigation of the Airglow -- Regular Variations of the Airglow in the Mesopause and Thermosphere -- Wave Processes in the Atmosphere -- Climatic Changes in the Upper Atmosphere -- Models of Vertical Profiles of Some Characteristics of the Upper Atmosphere. Gaseousenvelopesofplanetshavelongbeenthe objectof astrophysicalspectrop- tometric investigations into the processes proceeding in these remote objects of the solar system. However,only the Earth's atmospheresurroundingus givesthe widest opportunities for a more detailed investigation of its properties. As a rule, the study of these properties is considered as a purely geophysical problem, but in fact they are a special case of the general astronomical phenomenon. Over the past more than half-century, atmospheric physics has become engaged in the research of the entire gaseous medium surrounding our planet extending to the interplanetary space. Despite the subdivision of the atmosphere into separate moreor less homogeneousaltitude layers studiedseparatelyfromother atmospheric regions,theselayersareininteraction,whichis manifestedsometimesunexpectedly for the researches of conventionalproblems. Of course, solar radiation whose effect in each particular case is determined by vertical pro les of gaseous atmospheric constituents and by their absorbing and scattering properties unites all these regions of the atmosphere into a single whole. TheabsorbedenergyoftheSuncreatesa certainthermalregimeineachregionof the atmosphere whose response is emissions arising from molecules or atoms c- tained in this region. These two processes participate in the establishment of th- mal equilibrium in the atmosphere. The atmospheric airglow spectrum is extremely wide; it is determined by the atmospheric conditions, including photochemicalp- cesses characteristic of individual altitude layers. This allows atmospheric airglow to be used as a very informative indicator for atmospheric remote sounding.