Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Compilation and analysis of state regulations for S02, NOx, opacity, continuous monitoring and applicable test methods : executive summary /
Author Cline, John R. ; Stenburg, Paul ; Felts, Keith ; Wright, Howard ; Paley., Louis
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Busik, John R.
Wright, Howard.
CORP Author Engineering-Science, inc.
Publisher Environmental Protection Agency, Office ofEnforcement ;
Year Published 1978
Report Number EPA-340/1-78-009a; EPA-68-01-4146; EPA/340/1-78/009A
Stock Number PB-295 997
OCLC Number 05252249
Subjects Environmental monitoring--United States
Additional Subjects Regulations ; State government ; Sulfur dioxide ; Nitrogen oxides ; Opacity ; Monitoring ; Tests ; Standards ; Sources ; Air pollution ; Tables(Data) ; Air pollution abatement ; Stationary sources
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EKBD  EPA-340/1-78-009a Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC 11/30/2001
NTIS  PB-295 997 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation i, 15, {2} p. ; 28 cm.
Current copies of the air pollution control regulations of all fifty states, three territories, and twelve local agencies were reviewed for the purpose of compiling information on emission standards, compliance test methods, and continuous emission monitoring, as applied to existing stationary sources. Specific pollutants of interest were opacity, SO2, NOx, and sulfur compounds other than SO2. The intent of this review was to identify the assortment of types, formats, and exemptions which prevail in existing SIP regulations for selected sources and pollutants, thereby providing guidance to EPA for writing future continuous emission monitoring regulations. This report is not to be used as an all inclusive reference document for such information. The report is organized into a separate Executive Summary and three volumes. The first volume contains an analysis of state adopted emission standards for opacity, SO2, NOx, malfunctions and scheduled maintenance, and continuous monitoring regulations for existing stationary sources. Volume II provides a tabular summary of key components of the applicable emission standards and regulations including source category, minimum source capacity, averaging time of standard, exemptions, etc. Volume III of the report contains the complete text of the regulations cited.
EPA project officer: Rohn R. Busik. EPA task manager: Howard Wright. Contract no. 68-01-4146, Task order 40. "presented to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Stationary Source Enforcement." "June 2, 1978." "EPA-340/1-78-009a."