Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Experimental Measurements of the Uptake of Ozone in Rats and Human Subjects.
Author Gerrity, T. R. ; Wiester, M. J. ;
CORP Author Health Effects Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, NC.
Year Published 1987
Report Number EPA/600/D-87/319;
Stock Number PB88-125422
Additional Subjects Respiration ; Ozone ; Rats ; Oxygen transport mechanisms ; Toxicology ; Ventilation ; Laboratory animals ; Medical research ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB88-125422 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 16p
Experimental determination of ozone (O3) uptake in the conducting airways and lungs is a fundamental starting point for interspecies comparisons of delivered dose. Fractional O3 uptake was measured in the respiratory tract of awake Fischer 344 rats and in the lungs and nasopharynx of young healthy male humans. Awake animals were individually evaluated during nose only exposures to 0.3 ppm O3 for O3 removal, O2 consumption, CO2 production and tidal breathing while inside a body plethysmograph. Utilizing these values of O3 uptake and measures of ventilation, the mass dose rate of O3 per unit respiratory tract surface area was computed and found to be similar between rats and humans for the same ambient O3 concentration.