Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Formation of Carbon Monoxide from the Photodegration of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon in Natural Waters.
Author Valentine, R. L. ; Zepp, R. G. ;
CORP Author Environmental Research Lab., Athens, GA. ;Iowa Univ., Iowa City. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Publisher c1993
Year Published 1993
Report Number EPA/600/J-93/227;
Stock Number PB93-205102
Additional Subjects Carbon monoxide ; Photochemical reactions ; Air pollution ; Organic matter ; Natural emissions ; Greenhouse gases ; Air water interactions ; Wetlands ; Lakes ; Photodegradation ; Global aspects ; Carbon cycle ; Reprints ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB93-205102 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 6p
The photochemical formation of carbon monoxide (CO) in water samples obtained from wetlands, lakes, and near-coastal/shelf areas and in aqueous solutions of soil organic matter was investigated. All of these samples contained dissolved organic matter that was largely derived from terrestrial sources. The studies show that, although the water samples had widely varying optical properties and CO photoproduction rates, the efficiencies for photochemical CO formation were remarkably similar in all waters examined. Model calculations further indicated that photodegradation of terrestrial dissolved organic matter (e.g., in wetland and near-coastal environments) may be an important global source of carbon monoxide and a key process in cycling of dissolved organic matter in these environments.