Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Exhaust Emissions from Uncontrolled Vehicles and Related Equipment Using Internal Combustion Engines. Part 1: Locomotive Diesel Engines and Marine Counterparts.
Author Har, Charles T. ; Springe, Karl J. ;
CORP Author Southwest Research Inst., San Antonio, Tex.
Year Published 1972
Report Number SwRI-AR-845; EPA-70-108; 1490;
Stock Number PB-220 398
Additional Subjects ( Air pollution ; Diesel locomotives) ; ( Diesel locomotives ; Exhaust gases) ; Diesel engines ; Gas detectors ; Detectors ; Smoke ; Particles ; Hydrocarbons ; Carbon monoxide ; Carbon dioxide ; Nitrogen oxides ; Aldehydes ; Measurement ; Spark ignition engines ; Tests ; Tables(Data) ; Emission factors
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-220 398 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 81p
The report presents emissions data on three locomotive diesel engines, and uses these data in conjuntion with supplementary data on emissions, number of units in service, and annual usage to estimate emission factors and national impact. The emissions characterized included total hydrocarbons, light hydrocarbons, aldehydes, CO, CO2, NOx, O2, smoke, and particulate. In addition to the emissions measurements, sufficient engine operating data were taken to ensure that conditions repeated themselves adequately and that mass emissions could be calculated from the raw concentration data.