Abstract |
A primary objective of the installation was to improve the Division's access to its air pollution data. Formerly, the SAROAD keypunch forms provided the only means of data storage and reporting, until the data could be processed by EPA. With AQDHS-II, a printed report of the air pollution readings is available as soon as the quarter's data has been keypunched and added to AQDHS-II. Labels concerning the parameter, time period, and location are included on every page of the report. A statistical analysis of the data, such as the geometric mean and percentile distribution, is also available. A second objective of the installation was to reduce the required air quality data processing by EPA and to improve the quality of the data. Whereas the quarterly report consisted of handwritten SAROAD forms which had to be keypunched by the Region, AQDHS-II prepares a magnetic tape which can be processed directly. In addition, the data on the tape has passed AQDHS-II edit checks which eliminate many of the errors that previously had to be detected manually and resolved by the Region. |