Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog
RECORD NUMBER: 8 OF 29Main Title | Cadmium and endrin toxicity to fish in waters containing mineral fibers | ||||||||||||||||
Author | Carlson, Anthony R. ; Tucker, James A. ; Mattson, Vincent R. ; Phipps, Gary L. ; Cook, Philip M. | ||||||||||||||||
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CORP Author | Environmental Research Lab.-Duluth, MN. | ||||||||||||||||
Publisher | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Research Laboratory, | ||||||||||||||||
Year Published | 1982 | ||||||||||||||||
Report Number | EPA/600/3-82/053 | ||||||||||||||||
Stock Number | PB82-225038 | ||||||||||||||||
OCLC Number | 13637965 | ||||||||||||||||
Subjects | Fishes, Effect of water pollution on ; Cadmium--Environmental aspects | ||||||||||||||||
Additional Subjects | Cadmium ; Endrin ; Tailings ; Toxicity ; Fishes ; Lake Superior ; Minerals ; Concentration(Composition) ; Water pollution ; Taconite ; Metals ; Water pollution effects(Animals) ; Jordanella floridae ; Pimephales promelas ; Solid wastes | ||||||||||||||||
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Collation | iii, 31 p. ; 26 cm. | ||||||||||||||||
Abstract | Taconite tailings and their component asbestiform minerals in Lake Superior water had no demonstrable effect on the chronic toxicity of cadmium to the flagfish, Jordanella floridae. Maximum acceptable toxicant concentrations determined in life cycle tests, where effects on survival, growth, reproduction, and bioconcentration were used as endpoints, were between 3.3-7.4, 3.0-6.5, and 3.4-7.3 micrograms cadmium/liter at 0.004, 0.08, and 0.95 mg/liter taconite tailings concentrations, respectively. |
Notes | "EPA-600/3-82-053" "May 1982" "PB82-225038" |