Main Title |
Combustion Control of Organic Emissions from Municipal Waste Combustors. |
Author |
Kilgroe, J. D. ;
Nelson, L. P. ;
Schindler, P. J. ;
Lanier, W. S. ;
CORP Author |
Energy and Environmental Research Corp., Durham, NC.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Air and Energy Engineering Research Lab. |
Publisher |
c1990 |
Year Published |
1990 |
Report Number |
EPA-68-03-3365; EPA/600/J-90/480; |
Stock Number |
PB91-191411 |
Additional Subjects |
Air pollution abatement ;
Municipal wastes ;
Waste disposal ;
Organic compounds ;
Incineration ;
Combustion efficiency ;
Performance evaluation ;
Information transfer ;
Pollution regulations ;
Dioxins ;
Furans ;
Reprints ;
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
PB91-191411 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
24p |
Abstract |
The article (1) identifies specific combustion conditions which are postulated to lead to low emission of organics--components of good combustion practice (GCP), (2) summarizes experimental correlations between GCP components and organic emissions, and (3) briefly discusses strategies for applying GCP to ensure continuous control of organic emissions. Background information on chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin and -furan (CDD/CDF) formation theories is also presented and additional research needed to establish the effectiveness of combustion strategies for control of municipal waste combustor (MWC) organic emissions is discussed. (NOTE: GCP is defined as combustion conditions which lead to low emissions of trace organic pollutants.) CDD/CDF are some of the most widely studied organic compounds of environmental concern. EPA has announced that it intends to propose new rules for control of MWC air emissions. Technical background studies for these rules considered the control of CDD/CDF as a surrogate for controlling emission of 'MWC organics.' These studies on the control of CDD/CDF from MWC facilities provide useful information on strategies for controlling total organic emissions from combustion sources. |