Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Smithsonian at the poles : contributions to International Polar Year science /
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Krupnik, Igor.
Lang, Michael A.
Miller, Scott E.
Publisher Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press,
Year Published 2009
OCLC Number 259754331
ISBN 9780978846015; 097884601X
Subjects International Polar Year, 2007-2008--Congresses ; Polar regions--Research--Congresses ; Research--Polar regions--Congresses ; Arctic regions--Research--Congresses ; Antarctica--Research--Congresses ; Polar regions--Environmental conditions--Congresses ; Climatic changes--Detection--Polar regions--Congresses ; Regiones polares ; Ecology ; Regiaao polar ; Mudanca climatica--Regiaoes polares ; Polaromraden
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
ELBM  G587.S65 2009 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 03/30/2009
Collation xv, 405 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 28 cm.
The proceedings of the Smithsonian at the Poles symposium, sponsored by and convened at the Smithsonian Institution on May 3-4, 2007, published as part of the International Polar Year 2007-2008, which is sponsored by the International Council for Science and the World Meteorological Organization. Shipping list no.: 2009-0202-P. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes
Foreword / by Ira Rubinoff -- Executive summary / by Michael A. Lang -- Introduction / by Igor Krupnik, Michael A. Lang, and Scott E. Miller -- IPY histories and legacies. -- Advancing polar research and communicating its wonders: quests, questions, and capabilities of weather and climate studies in International Polar Years / James R. Fleming, Cara Seitchek ; Cooperation at the poles? Placing the First International Polar Year in the context of nineteenth-century scientific exploration and collaboration / Marc Rothenberg ; The policy process and the International Geophysical Year, 1957-1958 / Fae L. Korsmo ; Preserving the origins of the space age: the material legacy of the International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) at the National Air and Space Museum / David H. DeVorkin ; From ballooning in the Arctic to 10,000-foot runways in Antarctica: lessons from historic archaeology / Noel D. Broadbent -- Cultural studies. -- "Of no ordinary importance": reversing polarities in Smithsonian Arctic studies / William W. Fitzhugh ; Yup'ik Eskimo contributions to Arctic research at the Smithsonian / Ann Fienup-Riordan ; Smithsonian contributions to Alaskan ethnography: the first IPY Expedition to Barrow, 1881-1883 / Ernest S. Burch, Jr. ; The art of Iänupiaq whaling: elders' interpretations of International Polar Year ethnological collections / Aron L. Crowell ; From tent to trading post and back again: Smithsonian anthropology in Nunavut, Nunavik, Nitassinan, and Nunatsiavut -- the changing IPY agenda, 1882-2007 / Stephen Loring ; "The way we see it coming": building the legacy of indigenous observations in IPY 2007-2008 / Igor Krupnik -- Systematics and biology of polar organisms. -- Species diversity and distributions of pelagic calanoid copepods from the southern ocean / E. Taisoo Park, Frank D. Ferrari ; Brooding in species diversity in the southern ocean: selection for brooders or speciation within brooding clades? / John S. Pearse [and others] ; Persistent elevated abundance of octopods in an overfished Antarctic area / Michael Vecchione [and others]. ; Cold comfort: systematics and biology of Antarctic bryozoans / Judith E. Winston ; Considerations of anatomy, morphology, evolution, and function for Narwhal dentition / Martin T. Nweeia [and others] -- Methods and techniques of under-ice research -- Scientific diving under ice: a 40-year bipolar research tool / Michael A. Lang, Rob Robbins ; Environmental and molecular mechanisms of cold adaptation in polar marine invertebrates / Adam G. Marsh ; Milestones in the study of diving physiology: Antarctic Emperor Penguins and Weddell Seals / Gerald Kooyman ; Interannual and spatial variability in light attenuation: evidence from three decades of growth in the Arctic kelp, Laminaria solidungula / Kenneth H. Dunton, Susan V. Schonberg, Dale W. Funk ; Life under Antarctic pack ice: a Krill perspective / Langdon B. Quentin, Robin M. Ross -- Environmental change and polar marine ecosystems. -- Inhibition of phytoplankton and bacterial productivity by solar radiation in the Ross Sea polynya / Patrick J. Neale [and others] ; Southern ocean primary productivity: variability and a view to the future / Walker O. Smith, Jr., Josefino C. Comiso ; Chromophoric dissolved organic matter cycling during a Ross Sea Phaeocystis antarctica Bloom / David J. Kieber, Diedre A. Toole, Ronald P. Kiene ; Capital expenditure and income (foraging) during Pinniped lactation: the example of the Weddell Seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) / Regina Eisert, Olav T. Oftedal ; Latitudinal patterns of biological invasions in marine ecosystems: a polar perspective / Gregory M. Ruiz, Chad L. Hewitt -- Polar astronomy : observational cosmology. -- Cosmology from Antarctica / Robert W. Wilson, Antony A. Stark ; Feeding the black hole at the center of the Milky Way: AST/RO observations / Christopher L. Martin ; HEAT: the High Elevation Antarctic Terahertz Telescope / Christopher K. Walker, Craig A. Kulesa ; Watching star birth from the Antarctic plateau / Nick F.H. Tothill ; Antarctic meteorites: exploring the solar system from the ice / Timothy J. McCoy, Linda C. Welzenbach, Catherine M. Corrigan. "The proceedings of the Smithsonian at the Poles symposium is published as part of the International Polar Year 2007-2008 (, a joint initiative of the International Council for Science and the World Meteorological Organization."