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Main Title Mathematical Models and Immune Cell Biology [electronic resource] /
Author Molina-Paris, Carmen.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Lythe, Grant.
Publisher Springer New York,
Year Published 2011
Call Number QR180-189.5
ISBN 9781441977250
Subjects Medicine ; Immunology ; Bioinformatics ; Cell receptors ; Biological models
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Collation XVI, 407 p. online resource.
Due to license restrictions, this resource is available to EPA employees and authorized contractors only
Contents Notes
Preface -- Thymocyte development -- A review of mathematical models for T cell receptor triggering and antigen discrimination -- Dynamic tuning of T cell receptor specificity by co-receptors and costimulation -- T cell activation and function: role of signal strength -- The cyton model for lymphocyte proliferation and differentiation -- Modeling itravital two-photon data of lymphocyte migration and interaction -- Modeling lymphocyte dynamics in vivo -- Continuous-time birth and death processes: diversity maintenance of naïve T cells in the periphery -- Multivariate competition processes: a model for two competing T cell clonotypes -- Stochastic modeling of T Cell homeostasis for two competing clonotypes via the master equation -- Dendritic cell migration in the intestinal tract -- Reassessing germinal center reaction concepts -- B cell strategies of Ag recognition in a stratified immune system -- Dynamics of Peripheral regulatory and effector T cells competing for antigen presenting cells -- Mathematical models of the role of IL-2 in the interactions between helper and regulstory CD4+ T cells -- A Physicist's approach to immunology -- Timescales of the adaptive immune response -- Using mathematical models to explore the role of cytoxic T lymphocytes in HIV infection -- Viral immunity and persistence -- Index. Mathematical immunology is in a period of rapid expansion and excitement. At recent meetings, a common language and research direction has emerged amongst a world-class group of scientists and mathematicians. Mathematical Models and Immune Cell Biology aims to communicate these new ideas to a wider audience. The reader will be exposed to a variety of tools and methods that go hand-in-hand with the immunological processes being modeled. This volume contains chapters, written by immunologists and mathematicians, on thymocytes, on T cell interactions, activation, proliferation and homeostasis, as well as on dendritic cells, B cells and germinal centers. Chapters are devoted to measurement and imaging methods and to HIV and viral infections.