Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Adjusting Ambient Ozone Air Quality Indicators for Missing Values.
Author Lee, E. H. ; Tingey, D. T. ; Hogsett, W. E. ;
CORP Author ManTech Environmental Technology, Inc., Corvallis, OR.;Corvallis Environmental Research Lab., OR.
Publisher 1991
Year Published 1991
Report Number EPA/600/D-91/265;
Stock Number PB92-124155
Additional Subjects Ozone ; Rural areas ; Air quality data ; Farm crops ; Exposure ; Air pollution monitoring ; Statistical analysis ; Regression analysis ; Correlation ; Urban areas ; Reprints ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB92-124155 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 8p
The paper focuses on the adjustment of the exposure indices developed in work on exposure-response studies on crops to deal with missing data patterns in ambient air quality data and present three statistical methods that are fundamentally related to the methods proposed by Davidson and Hemphill (1987) for dealing with entire days of missing data and incomplete days. These methods are applied to hourly O3 data at eight nonurban monitoring sites in the United States to compare the capabilities of each method to adjust for varying frequencies and temporal distributions of missing observations. Because most of the data on atmospheric pollutants and related variables available in the United States from continuous-monitoring networks has been collected at urban sites (Schere, 1988), the paper focuses on the use of statistical methods that do not require concomitant variables for dealing with missing observations.