Contents Notes |
Air And Fire -- Mathematical Modeling of The Interaction Between Oxygen, Nitric Oxide And Superoxide -- Haemoglobin Saturation Controls The Red Blood Cell Mediated Hypoxic Vasorelaxation -- Blood Vessel Specific Vaso-Activity To Nitrite Under Normoxic And Hypoxic Conditions -- Nitrite-Induced Improved Blood Circulation Associated With An Increase In A Pool Of Rbc-No With No Bioactivity -- The Control of Oxidative Phosphorylation in the Adrenal Gland (Y1) Cell Line -- Replication of Murine Mitochondrial DNA Following Irradiation -- Effects of Anesthesia on Brain Mitochondrial Function, Blood Flow, Ionic And Electrical Activity Monitored in Vivo -- The Influence Of Flow Redistribution On Working Rat Muscle Oxygenation -- Heterogeneity Of Capillary Spacing In The Hypertrophied Plantaris Muscle From Young-Adult And Old Rats -- Microvascularity of the Lumbar Erector Spinae Muscle During Sustained Prone Trunk Extension Test -- Fiber Capillary Supply Related To Fiber Size And Oxidative Capacity In Human And Rat Skeletal Muscle -- Novel Therapeutic Approach Targeting The Hif-Hre System In The Kidney -- Carotid Body Sensory Discharge And Glomus Cell Hif-1? Are Regulated By A Common Oxygen Sensor -- Impact of Reactive Oxygen Species on the Expression of Adhesion Molecules in Vivo -- Mini Sensing Chip for Point-of-Care Acute Myocardial Infarction Diagnosis Utilizing Micro-Electro-Mechanical System and Nano-Technology -- A Chemical Biosynthesis Design for an Antiatherosclerosis Drug by Acyclic Tocopherol Intermediate Analogue Based on "Isoprenomics" -- Zymogen Protein C Concentrate for Safer Heterozygote Surgery, "I am a Guinea Pig!" -- Steady State Redox Levels in Cytochrome Oxidase: Relevance for in Vivo Near Infrared Spectroscopy (Nirs) -- Bicuculline-Induced Seizures: A Challenge for Optical and Biochemical Modeling of the Cytochrome Oxidase CuA Nirs Signal -- A Method to Calculate Arterial and Venous Saturation from Near Infrared Spectroscopy (Nirs) -- Development Of A Dynamic Test Phantom For Optical Topography -- Numerical Simulation Of Oxygen Transport In Cerebral Tissue -- Non-Invasive Estimation Of Metabolic Flux And Blood Flow In Working Muscle: Effect Of Blood-Tissue Distribution -- Oxygen Extraction Index Measured By Near Infrared Spectroscopy - A Parameter For Monitoring Tissue Oxygenation? -- Non-Invasive Measurement Of the Superficial Cortical Oxygen Partial Pressure -- One Sensor Fits All - A New Approach In Monitoring Brain Physiology -- Evaluation Of Nirs Data Based On Theoretical Analysis Of Oxygen Transport to Cerebral Tissue -- Myocardial Capillary Net And Blood Constituents In Streptozotocin (Stz)-Induced Diabetic Rats -- Effects Of Proinsulin C-Peptide On Oxygen Transport, Uptake and Utilization In Insulinopenic Diabetic Subjects - A Review -- Reduced Oxygenation In Diabetic Rat Kidneys Measured By T2* Weighted Magnetic Resonance Micro-Imaging -- Identification and Distribution of Uncoupling Protein Isoforms in the Normal and Diabetic Rat Kidney -- Iodinated Contrast Media Decrease Renomedullary Blood Flow -- C-Peptide Normalizes Glomerular Filtration Rate in Hyperfiltrating Conscious Diabetic Rats -- Lipoprotein Nanoplatform for Targeted Delivery of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Agents -- Prognostic Potential Of The Pretherapeutic Tumor Oxygenation Status -- Histological Basis Of Mr/Optical Imaging Of Human Melanoma Mouse Xenografts Spanning A Range Of Metastatic Potentials -- The Relationship Between Vascular Oxygen Distribution And Tissue Oxygenation -- Intraoperative Measurement Of Colonic Oxygenation During Bowel Resection -- Quantifying Tumour Hypoxia By Pet Imaging - A Theoretical Analysis -- New Measurements For Assessment Of Impaired Cerebral Autoregulation Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy -- Single Shot T1? Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of Metabolically Generated Water In Vivo -- Brain Tissue Oxygen Consumption And Supply Induced By Neural Activation: -- Brain Oxygen Balance Under Various Experimental Pathophysiologycal Conditions -- Ketones Suppress Brain Glucose Consumption -- False Positives In Functional Nearinfrared Topography -- Relationship Between Brain Tissue Haemodynamics, Oxygenation And Metabolism In The Healthy Human Adult Brain During Hyperoxia And Hypercapnea -- Use Of A Codman Microsensor Intracranial Pressure Probe: Effects On Near Infrared Spectroscopy Measurements And Cerebral Hemodynamics In Rats -- Effect of Severe Hypoxia on Prefrontal Cortex and Muscle Oxygenation Responses at Rest and During Exhaustive Exercise. In 1772 in Uppsala the Swedish chemist Karl Wilhelm Scheele discovered the element Oxygen. Two hundred and one years later, in 1973, the International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT) was founded. Since then there has been an annual ISOTT meeting. After 24 years of international ISOTT meetings it was decided, at the 2005 summit in Bary, Italy, that the 2007 meeting was to be held in Uppsala, Sweden. Thus, after the Louisville meeting we, in the Uppsala group, withdrew to the Edgewater Resort at Taylorsville Lake outside Louisville and prepared the Uppsala ISOTT meeting by tasting Kentucky Bourbons, smoking cigars while bathing in a jacuzzi in the hot dark Kentucky night full of fire flies and a sky full of stars. The ISOTT program should include different aspects of oxygen - however, it is accepted that each meeting has its own local "touch". We decided to focus the Uppsala ISOTT meeting on the theme of "Imaging and measuring oxygen changes". With this in mind we invited scientists within and outside the ISOTT society. We then also received lots of good abstracts from ISOTT members that were included in the program. Lars-Olof Sundelöf introduction speech "AIR AND FIRE" concerned how oxygen was discovered in Uppsala in 1772 by Karl Wilhelm Scheele. After the introduction speech a get together event took place in the magnificent and spacious foyer of Uppsala University main building. The vice chancellor Ulf Pettersson welcomed all delegates to Sweden and Uppsala. |