Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Characterization of the Usefulness of the Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC) for the Evaluation of Emissions from Engineered Wood Products.
Author Roache, N. F. ; Howard, E. M. ;
CORP Author Acurex Environmental Corp., Research Triangle Park, NC.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Air Pollution Prevention and Control Div.
Publisher 1998
Year Published 1998
Report Number EPA-68-D4-0005; EPA/600/A-98/106;
Stock Number PB98-155104
Additional Subjects Wood products ; Laminates ; Test chambers ; Emissions ; Air pollution sampling ; Coatings ; Formaldehyde ; Alcohols ; Aldehydes ; Aromatics ; Ketones ; Carboxylic acids ; Portable equipment ; Utilization ; Characterization ; Indoor air pollution ; Field and Laboratory Emission Cell
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB98-155104 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 14p
The paper characterizes the usefulness of the Field and Laboratory Emission Cell (FLEC), a small portable microchamber used to evaluate emissions from planar surfaces. The FLEC is a stainless steel disk with a lathed cavity that is sealed onto the surface to be tested, making the source an integral part of the microchamber. Primary goals of this project were to collect information to specify test parameters for future laboratory testing and to identify the needs of this method for the field use of the FLEC on engineered wood products. Secondary goals were to identify compounds emitted and determined emission rates from several engineered wood cabinet components. Tests were conducted to evaluate the performance of the FLEC as a tool for determining emmissions from engineered wood products under field conditions. The paper presents initial test results for two commercially available kitchen cabinets, constructed from different types of engineered wood with various laminates and coatings. Classes of compounds that were identified as emissions include alcohols, aldehydes, aromatics, caroxylic acids, and ketones.