Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Air Pollution in Donora, Pa. Epidemiology of the Unusual Smog Episode of October 1948.
Author Schren, H. H. ; Heiman, Harry ; Clayto, George D. ; Gafafe, W. M. ; Wexle, Harry ;
CORP Author Public Health Service, Washington, D.C. Div. of Industrial Hygiene.
Year Published 1949
Report Number Public Health Bull-306;
Stock Number PB-228 023
Additional Subjects Smog ; Pennsylvania ; Air pollution effects(Humans) ; Air pollution episodes
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-228 023 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 206p
Biological studies of the problem precipitated by the outbreak of illness, and deaths in the Donora area during the smog of October 1948, were concerned principally with an attempt to describe the acute episode in terms of the incidence and severity of illness in the general population, and to develop a clinical picture of the disease. In addition, an investigation was made of the possible effects on health of continued living in the community, since such effects might well point to the existence of atmospheric contamination of a mild nature, which during the period of prolonged smog might have contributed to the acute outbreak.