Contents Notes |
"Getting to Know ArcGIS for Desktop is a workbook that introduces the principles of GIS via hands-on exercises. Readers are shown how to use ArcGIS for Desktop software tools to display and present maps and data, and then query and analyze the data. The third edition has been reorganized and includes new topics such as exploring online resources and raster data and contains new exercises, data, and learning tools. Known for its broad scope, clarity, and reliability, Getting to Know ArcGIS for Desktop is equally well-suited for classroom use, independent study, and as a reference. A data DVD for working through the exercises is included with the book, and access to a 180-day trial of ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop is provided"-- Part 1: Getting to know GIS -- Chapter 1 Introducing GIS -- Chapter 2 Introducing ArcGIS -- Part 2: Getting started with maps and data -- Chapter 3 Interacting with maps; Displaying map data; Navigating a map; Using basic tools; Looking at feature attributes -- Chapter 4 Interacting with data; Browsing through map data; Adding data to a map; Working with map layers -- Chapter 5 Exploring online resources; Creating a web map; Browsing through groups; Merging online and local layers -- Part 3: Displaying and presenting data -- Chapter 6 Working with coordinate systems and projections; Examining coordinate systems; Projecting data; Defining a map projection -- Chapter 7 Symbolizing features; Creating custom symbology; Symbolizing features by categorical attributes; Using styles and creating layer files; Symbolizing rasters -- Chapter 8 Classifying features; Classifying features by standard methods; Mapping density; Using graduated and chart symbols -- Chapter 9 Labeling features; Using dynamic labels; Setting rules for label placement; Creating graphic labels; Converting dynamic labels to annotation -- Chapter 10 Making maps for presentation; Creating a layout; Adding titles and additional text; Adding standard map elements; Adding final touches and setting print options -- Part 4: Creating and editing data -- Chapter 11 Building geodatabases; Creating a geodatabase; Creating feature classes; Adding fields and domains -- Chapter 12 Creating features; Drawing features; Using feature construction tools -- Chapter 13 Editing features and attributes ; Deleting and modifying features; Splitting and merging features; Editing feature attribute values -- Chapter 14 Geocoding addresses; Creating an address locator; Matching addresses; Rematching addresses -- Part 5: Getting information about features -- Chapter 15 Querying data; Getting information about features; Selecting features by attribute; Creating reports -- Chapter 16 Joining and relating data; Joining data by attribute; Relating data; Joining data by location -- Part 6: Analyzing feature relationships -- Chapter 17 Selecting features by location; Using location queries; Combining attribute and location queries -- Chapter 18 Preparing data for analysis; Dissolving features; Clipping layers; Exporting data; Running tools in a model -- Chapter 19 Analyzing spatial data; Buffering features; Overlaying data; Calculating attribute values; Creating graphs -- Chapter 20 Analyzing raster data; Creating raster surfaces; Combining raster surfaces -- Appendix A Data license agreement -- Appendix B Installing the software and data -- Glossary -- Index |