Abstract |
The recently enacted Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments dictates the regulation of 83 contaminants within the next three years and at least 25 more by 1991. The paper describes the status of DWRD's research activities and provides a state-of-the-art summary of removal techniques. DWRD's research activities are categorized as pilot-, bench-, and fieldscale studies. Carbon adsorption is effective for removing both VOCs and SOCs. Packed tower and diffused aeration are best suited for removing VOCs. Ion exchange has been field-tested to show effective removal of nitrates and pilot-tested for uranium removal. Reverse osmosis (RO) has proven to be effective in the field for radium removal and pilot-tested for nitrate removal. Of the technologies that show promise and are being tested at the bench- and pilot-scales, conventional treatment with powdered activated carbon is effective for removing a few of the SOCs, ozone oxidation is effective for removing certain classes of volatile organic chemicals and SOCs, and certain reverse osmosis membranes and ultraviolet treatment are also potentially effective against VOCs and SOCs. Aeration and carbon adsorption are being examined for their radon removal capabilities. |