Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Land treatment field studies. volume 6, Inorganic pickling liquor waste /
Author Berkowitz, Joan B. ; Bysshe, Sara E. ; Goodwin, Bruce E. ; Harris, Judith C. ; Land, David B.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Berkowitz, Joan B.
CORP Author Little (Arthur D.), Inc., Cambridge, MA.;Municipal Environmental Research Lab., Cincinnati, OH.
Publisher Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Year Published 1983
Report Number 81136-VOL-6; EPA-68-03-2602; EPA-600/2-83-057F
Stock Number PB83-241323
Subjects Land treatment of wastes ; Sewage sludge ; Organic wastes as soil amendments ; Soil acidity
Additional Subjects Sludge disposal ; Chemical cleaning ; Metal industry ; Solid waste disposal ; Field tests ; Sites ; Plants(Botany) ; Organic compounds ; Inorganic compounds ; Chemical analysis ; Sampling ; Soil analysis ; Cultivation ; Farms ; Land disposal ; SIC 349 ; Land management
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB83-241323 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation vii, 44 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm
This report presents the results of field measurements and observations of a land treatment site for the management of an inorganic pickling liquor waste. The waste is spread on the site as a 20% solids sludge. Sulfate and iron are known to be major waste constituents. The organic content of the waste is neglible. The site was sampled twice, and observations were made on the type and amount of waste handled, site characteristics, and management procedures for waste application and monitoring. Organic and inorganic analysis was conducted on the waste and soil/waste mixture; inorganic analysis was performed on plant samples.
"July 1983." "EPA-600/2-83-057F." "Contract no. 68-03-2602." Microfiche.