Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Aquaculture in the Ecosystem [electronic resource] /
Author Holmer, Marianne.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Black, Kenny.
Duarte, Carlos M.
Marba, Nuria.
Karakassis, Ioannis.
Publisher Springer Netherlands,
Year Published 2008
Call Number QH541.5.S3
ISBN 9781402068102
Subjects Life sciences ; Ecology ; Aquatic biology ; Zoology ; Environmental management
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Collation X, 326 p. online resource.
Due to license restrictions, this resource is available to EPA employees and authorized contractors only
Contents Notes
Fish Farm Wastes in the Ecosystem -- Monitoring of Environmental Impacts of Marine Aquaculture -- Aquaculture and Coastal Space Management in Europe: An Ecological Perspective -- Detrimental Genetic Effects of Interactions Between Reared Strains and Wild Populations of Marine and Anadromous Fish and Invertebrate Species -- Non-Native Aquaculture Species Releases: Implications for Aquatic Ecosystems -- Safe and Nutritious Aquaculture Produce: Benefits and Risks of Alternative Sustainable Aquafeeds -- NGO Approaches to Minimizing the Impacts of Aquaculture: A Review -- Aquaculture in the Coastal Zone: Pressures, Interactions and Externalities -- Future Trends in Aquaculture: Productivity Growth and Increased Production -- Status and Future Perspectives of Marine Aquaculture. The global expansion of aquaculture production and its future role as a food supplier to human society has environmental, social and economic limitations, affecting marine ecosystems and socio-economic scales from local to global. The expansion is closely linked with human health requirements and societal needs for various goods and services provided by marine ecosystems. This book provides a scientific forecast of the development in aquaculture with a focus on the environmental, technological, social and economic constraints that need to be resolved to ensure sustainable development of the industry and allow the industry to be able to feed healthy seafood products to the future generations. The chapters included discuss the most critical bottlenecks of the development encompassing subjects of understanding the environmental impacts, the current state-of-art in monitoring programs and in coastal zone management, the important interactions between wild and cultured organisms including release of non-native species into the wild, the current trends within the development of aquafeeds along with human health aspects as well as the political, socio-economic and economic trends within the industry including a chapter on approaches taken by Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to aquaculture. Finally the last chapter provides different future scenarios of the industry based on the identified bottlenecks. The contributions to this book were supported by the EC-funded SAMI project.