Details of the Outreach Product

Title: Think Blue Maine: Fowl Water
Type: 30 second PSA
State: Maine
Agency: Maine Department of Environmental Protection - Bureau of Land and Water Quality
Presque Isle, ME, 04769
Primary Contact/Email: Kathy Hoppe - Contact may be out of date
Description: If stormwater pollution was rubber duckies (adapted from Think Blue San Diego)
Permission Comments: Permission is granted for other organizations or individuals to replicate and use the files subject to the following restrictions: Notify the Department if the products are being used. Please note that the ThinkBlueMaine: Fowl Water TV ad is owned by San Diego. MDEP received permission from San Diego for our use only. MDEP does not have rights to grant permission, rather it must be obtained from San Diego.
Contact for Permission: Kathy Hoppe, (207) 764 - 0477
Year: 2004
Related Media Campaign: Think Blue - Maine