Details of the Outreach Product

Title: Nutrient Pollution
Type: Video
State: Not State-Specific
Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Nonpoint Source Branch
Washington, DC, 20460
Primary Contact/Email: Don Waye
Description: Two-minute video that aims at building public awareness in preventing and reducing nutrient polution.
Permission Comments: Permission is granted for other organizations or individuals to replicate and use the files subject to the following instructions: EPA encourages stormwater communities, teachers, watershed groups and others to show (and share) these videos. If possible, please provide credit to the US Environmental Protection Agency. However, if you wish to edit or use the footage for your own production, you must first request permission. Permission is granted to contact the appropriate person at the organization about the product files.
Contact for Permission: Don Waye, (202) 566 - 1170
Year: 2012
Related Media Campaign: None