Details of the Outreach Product

Title: Middle Aged Bob Mends His Motor Oil Ways
Type: 30 second PSA
State: North Carolina
Agency: City of Greensboro
Greensboro, NC, 27402-3136
Primary Contact/Email: LaVelle Donnell
Description: Average, middle-aged Bob makes good when he takes his used oil to the recycling center. A humorous take on the rewards of proper oil recycling practices.
Permission Comments: Permission is granted for other organizations or individuals to replicate and use the files subject to the following restrictions: 1) Must contact the contact for permission listed here to inform how materials will be used; 2) when possible, must give credit to the City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Division; 3) materials must be used for educational purposes only.
Contact for Permission: LaVelle Donnell, (336) 373 - 4601
Year: 2005
Related Media Campaign: None