Grantee Research Project Results
2013 Progress Report: Comparison of Gnotobiotic and Conventional Mice for Predicting the Allergenic Potential of Proteins Introduced into Genetically Engineered Plants
EPA Grant Number: R834824Title: Comparison of Gnotobiotic and Conventional Mice for Predicting the Allergenic Potential of Proteins Introduced into Genetically Engineered Plants
Investigators: Baumert, Joseph L , Goodman, Richard E. , Peterson, Daniel H
Institution: University of Nebraska at Lincoln
EPA Project Officer: Aja, Hayley
Project Period: September 15, 2010 through September 14, 2013 (Extended to September 14, 2014)
Project Period Covered by this Report: September 15, 2012 through September 14,2013
Project Amount: $423,546
RFA: Approaches to Assessing Potential Food Allergy from Genetically Engineered Plants (2009) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Human Health
The proposed research focuses on the development of a more reliable, practical and predictive animal model that can be used to evaluate the allergenic potential of proteins introduced into genetically engineered plants. The objectives of this research project are 1) to evaluate sensitization responses in germ-free mice and mice having a conventional intestinal microflora to orally presented purified proteins (potent allergen, peanut Ara h 2; moderate allergen, bovine beta-lactoglobulin and non-allergenic soybean lipoxygenase); 2) to evaluate the importance of the food matrix (peanut, whey powder and soybean) on sensitizing potential of pure proteins; and 3) to test for differences in absorption (serum concentrations) of sensitizing proteins (Ara h 2, beta-lactoglobulin and soybean lipoxygenase) in mice used in experiments outlined for objectives 1 and 2 to determine if intestinal microflora and food matrix have potential impacts on allergic sensitization.
Progress Summary:
Future Activities:
Evaluation of the sensitization and elicitation potential of purified peanut Ara h 2 will be conducted in Year 4 of the grant. Serological work will continue to evaluate levels of specific IgE and mast cell protease from mice challenged with BLG, LOX and Ara h 2. Evaluation of the food matrix (peanut and soy) on the sensitization potential to Ara h 2 and LOX will also be evaluated in 2014.
Journal Articles:
No journal articles submitted with this report: View all 10 publications for this projectSupplemental Keywords:
Anaphylaxis, antibody, GM, risk assessment, sensitive population, human health risk, food allergenicity, oral allergy syndrome, allergic sensitizationProgress and Final Reports:
Original AbstractThe perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.