Grantee Research Project Results
Multi-Scale Modeling of Regional Photochemical Air Pollution
EPA Grant Number: U915779Title: Multi-Scale Modeling of Regional Photochemical Air Pollution
Investigators: Bergin, Michelle S.
Institution: Georgia Institute of Technology
EPA Project Officer: Packard, Benjamin H
Project Period: August 1, 2000 through August 1, 2003
Project Amount: $102,000
RFA: STAR Graduate Fellowships (2000) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Fellowship - Environmental , Academic Fellowships , Safer Chemicals
The objective of this research project is to identify cost-effective emissions control strategies to reduce regional exposure to ozone and aerosol pollution.
A multi-scale, photochemical, three-dimensional computer model will be utilized to examine the formation, transport, and control of ozone and aerosols over the eastern half of the United States.
Expected Results:
By predicting responses of the atmosphere to reductions in emissions, effective air quality control strategies can be developed.
Supplemental Keywords:
urban smog, photochemistry, aerosols, PM2.5, ozone, air quality modelling., RFA, Scientific Discipline, Air, Ecosystem Protection/Environmental Exposure & Risk, Environmental Chemistry, Monitoring/Modeling, Civil/Environmental Engineering, tropospheric ozone, Atmospheric Sciences, Ecology and Ecosystems, Environmental Engineering, phototchemical modeling, urban air, computational model, urban air quality, multi-scale modeling, ozone , ozone, air pollution models, air quality model, air qialty model, emission control, aerosol sampling, three dimensional model, ecological modelsProgress and Final Reports:
The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.