Grantee Research Project Results
Waste Reduction Through Benzene-Free Polymerization Technology
EPA Contract Number: 68D30075Title: Waste Reduction Through Benzene-Free Polymerization Technology
Investigators: Kittrell, J. R.
Small Business: KSE Inc.
EPA Contact: Richards, April
Phase: II
Project Period: September 1, 1993 through January 1, 1995
Project Amount: $149,949
RFA: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Phase II (1993) Recipients Lists
Research Category: SBIR - Pollution Prevention , Pollution Prevention/Sustainable Development , Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
Waste reduction can be a highly cost-effective means of pollution control, by modifying the basic technology to fundamentally alter the raw materials used. Many organic chemical reactions use benzene as a classical reaction solvent, and are excellent waste reduction candidates.In Phase I, the elimination of benzene as a solvent in a free radical organic polymerization process has been achieved, to produce a very high profile consumer product. All Phase I objectives have been met, providing critical confirmation of the technical feasibility of using a novel "solvent-free" approach. The process has been scaled up to 1000 pounds levels. As a result of an order of magnitude enhancement of reactor productivity, over 200% return on investment is forecast for production capacity less than 10% of the U.S. market. The elimination of benzene promises not only to be an effective waste reduction process, but also to provide technology which is more efficient and cost-effective than that based on the classical benzene technology.
A Phase II program is proposed to enhance ancillary polymer properties, to explore applications of the technology to a new derivative product, and to finalize manufacturing cost estimates and financial return forecasts.
Supplemental Keywords:
RFA, Scientific Discipline, Toxics, Waste, Sustainable Industry/Business, National Recommended Water Quality, cleaner production/pollution prevention, Sustainable Environment, Chemistry, Technology for Sustainable Environment, Hazardous Waste, New/Innovative technologies, Engineering, Hazardous, 33/50, waste reduction, solvent replacement, alternative materials, benzene, polymers, solvent substitute, solvent replacements, pollution prevention, polymer designProgress and Final Reports:
The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.